Nowadays, the pursuit of wellness has emerged as a more grounded alternative to the sometimes elusive chase of happiness .
But what is wellness? Most of us imagine it as a state of personal satisfaction and overall health — physical and mental.
And it truly is. Yet, how do we achieve it?
When a person seeks harmony, some structure to pursue a healthy lifestyle and develop healthy behaviors is necessary; it comes in the form of Swarbrick’s model of wellness.
As this article will explain, from a holistic view , wellness encompasses eight dimensions.
When we acknowledge the interconnected nature of our lives, it becomes clear that reflecting on each dimension is essential for achieving overall well-being in our daily habits.
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Why is Health and Wellness Important? Without risking an overstatement, health and wellness directly impact every aspect of our lives.
Although overcoming health issues and living a fulfilled life is absolutely possible, we all have experienced how even a common cold can make every task much more challenging. Resilience , on the other hand, can help us overcome even the toughest of times.
According to research, good physical and mental health and wellness contribute to:
Swarbrick's 8 Dimensions of Wellness The American Psychological Association’s dictionary entry on wellness states it is a “dynamic state of physical, mental, and social well-being.”
However, the creator of the wellness model with eight dimensions, Margaret Swarbrick , suggested a more nuanced and practical definition : “A conscious, deliberate process that requires a person to become aware of and make choices for a more satisfying lifestyle.”
Such an approach emphasizes the importance of self-awareness , choice-making, personal development, self-improvement , and lifestyle modifications in pursuing wellness. It encourages us to take ownership of our well-being and work towards a more satisfying and fulfilling life.
Let’s examine Swarbrick’s eight dimensions, determine what they signify, and then discuss ways to enhance each in the next section.
1. Emotional Wellness Like emotional intelligence , emotional wellness involves how you handle your own emotions and those of others.
Understanding and respecting your feelings, values, and attitudes is the primary element of emotional wellness. This means you can manage diverse emotions constructively and healthily. As a result, emotional wellness makes you feel optimistic and enthusiastic about life.
However, appreciating the feelings of others is also an aspect of emotional wellness. This capacity fosters empathy , compassion, and healthy relationships. When you respect others’ experiences, you deal with disagreements more adaptively and nurture healthy relationships.
2. Physical Wellness Caring for your body as a part of your physical wellness routine to stay healthy is another vital element of overall well-being. We already mentioned that physical health contributes to being productive , independent, and generally feeling good about life.
Physical wellness encompasses all aspects of bodily health, such as nutrition , exercise , illness prevention (like regulating your blood pressure), disease management, sexual health, and quality sleep, to name a few.
3. Intellectual Wellness Growing intellectually is vital for intellectual wellness. An intellectually well person maintains curiosity about all there is to learn, that is, engaging in lifelong learning. They also take care of their cognitive health.
Also, sharing your knowledge with others can be a part of this dimension, whether as a teacher or a wise person people come to for advice.
At the same time, you should know how to respond positively to intellectual challenges and see them as mentally stimulating activities for intellectual wellness. To problem-solve with awareness of one’s own knowledge and limitations is an ability within this dimension that evokes feelings of balance and harmony with the world.
4. Occupational Wellness Occupational wellness (also referred to as workplace well-being ) means educating and working in the field that provides personal satisfaction and life enrichment. Aligning your work values , setting realistic career goals, and attuning your lifestyle with your career is one sure way to feel fulfilled as a person and professional.
In occupational wellness, you contribute your unique gifts, skills, and talents to meaningful and rewarding work .
5. Spiritual Wellness Spiritual wellness does not have to mean belonging to any particular religion. It signifies finding purpose, value, and meaning in your life on a deeper level.
So, you do not have to believe in a higher power to attain spiritual wellness. Participating in activities consistent with your beliefs and personal values is enough to become a spiritually well person.
6. Social Wellness Social wellness is all about supportive relationships and good communication skills. When you enjoy being with others and develop friendships and intimate relations, you are in a state of social well-being. It also means contributing to your community and social causes by exploring local volunteer opportunities.
Finally, social wellness also means letting others care about you and having trust in people. Healthy bonds with people are those of mutuality and reciprocity, and social wellness is exactly that.
7. Financial Wellness People who achieve financial wellness understand that everyone’s financial values, needs, and circumstances are unique and work towards personal harmony concerning material wealth.
In financial wellness, you manage your resources to live within your means. When it comes to investments and financial decisions, you make informed choices and set realistic goals . Importantly, you are prepared for short-term and long-term needs or emergencies.
8. Environmental Wellness Environmental wellness is the dimension that explains how your environment affects your health and well-being. When a person is in a state of environmental wellness, they are aware of the Earth’s unstable state.
A person who works on this dimension of wellness is intentional about the habits impacting it and demonstrates a commitment to contributing to healthy social, natural, and built environments.
8 Dimensions of Wellness Activities: Tips to Improve Your Well-Being A balanced and fulfilled existence is, arguably, a universal goal we all would like to attain. Achieving success in various areas of life —such as financial freedom, personal well-being, meaningful relationships, and inner peace—can serve as powerful markers on the path to this ultimate goal.
So, how do we improve our overall wellness? Research in the field suggests that dimensions of wellness do not have to be equally balanced.
It would be best to strive for a “personal harmony” — an authentic, individualized balance.
In other words, do not feel pressured to feel perfectly satisfied with each of these eight dimensions. Instead, prioritize those that are the most important to you.
Here are some practical tips to develop healthy habits in your everyday life for each dimension:
Tips to Improve Emotional Well-Being Practice mindfulness meditation or deep breathing exercises to reduce stress. Cultivate self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during times of difficulty. Practicing gratitude is a way to develop emotional health. Seek support when you are facing emotional challenges or mental health concerns. Tips to Improve Physical Well-Being Tips to Improve Intellectual Well-Being Tips to Improve Occupational Well-Being Tips to Improve Spiritual Well-Being Explore your spiritual beliefs and values through meditation, prayer, self-reflection, or journaling . Connect with a supportive community or spiritual group that provides a sense of belonging. Reflect on your purpose and meaning in life and align your actions with your core values and principles.Choose a spiritual wellness practice that works for you and add it to your routine.Tips to Improve Social Well-Being Spend quality time with friends, family, and loved ones to nurture genuine social connections and a healthy social life. Participate in group activities to connect with others who share your interests. Introverts , this doesn't mean you have to be the "life of the party," just don't let loneliness creep in . Practice active listening and empathy in your interactions, respecting differences in love languages . Carefully choose who you allow in your inner circle, and be sure to set boundaries in a healthy way if you are the type of person who tends to be too nice or an extrovert who thrives on having people around you. If connecting with others is a weakness for you, social skills and social intelligence can be learned. Tips to Improve Financial Well-Being Create a budget and financial plan to manage your material wealth. Seek professional financial advice or education. Practice mindful spending to avoid overspending or impulse purchases. Tips to Improve Environmental Well-Being Reduce your environmental footprint by adopting sustainable practices in your physical environment. Spend time outdoors in nature, enjoying activities like hiking, gardening, or simply appreciating the natural world. Support initiatives that promote a healthier planet.
The Eight Dimensions of Wellness courtesy of SAMHSA’s Wellness Initiative
Start Now and Boost Your Quality of Life Striving for well-being is a cause most of us will relate to. To achieve wellness, consider the intricate interplay of eight wellness dimensions.
Take time to reflect ; which dimensions are the most important to you?
Does, for example, emotional wellness play a vital role in shaping our overall quality of life? Or do you feel well only when you grow intellectually? Do you flourish when you feel healthy and socially active?
Remember, achieving harmony does not necessitate perfection in every area. Rather, it involves finding a unique balance that resonates with your values and aspirations. Find out who you are as a professiona l. Discover your personality type . Determine who you are and what you need to feel in balance with life.
Take charge of your well-being today and journey towards a more vibrant and fulfilling existence !
For further exploration, check out our free members series Creative Well-Being Strategies .