When you ask most adults where all the enthusiasm and sense of wonder they had as a child went, they often reply that it is almost impossible to retain those while experiencing adult life and being burdened by its challenges and responsibilities.
Can you blame them? Having experienced life’s tragedies, heartbreaks, and failures, it is understandable that most adults have forgotten what child-like enthusiasm feels like.
Can you retain your child-like enthusiasm as an adult? Enneagram Type 7 Enthusiasts certainly think so. After all, they are adults who remain wildly optimistic about life despite experiencing its ups and downs.
Enthusiasts see life as an adventure that should be lived boldly. To them, there is no fun in playing it safe. What drives them? How do they remain upbeat despite being around cynical adults and dealing with life’s frustrations?
This article will take an in-depth look at Enneagram 7, elaborating on their fears, motivations, desires, strengths, weaknesses, growth opportunities, relationships, and work preferences. Let’s dive in.
What Is the Enneagram 7 Personality Type?

Enneagram Type 7s are spontaneous, fun-loving enthusiasts who are optimistic about life, approaching it with a wild sense of adventure to derive maximum pleasure and avoid boredom, pain, and sadness.
Within the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) system, the Enneagram Type 7 personality is most similar to the ENFP personality (The Champion) due to qualities such as creativity, an optimistic approach to life, and social skills. Enthusiasts also share similarities with the ESFP personality (The Performer) due to their love for adventures and desire to have fun.
It’s not a guarantee that Enthusiasts are either ESFP or ENFP. Only an MBTI-based test can accurately predict which of the 16 personality types you have.
As for the Big Five Personality Traits, most Enthusiasts tend to score high on Extraversion, while a few other Sevens are closer to the middle, where they can be classified as Ambiverts. Their love for novelty and change also means they tend to score high on the Openness to Experience scale. However, most Sevens score low on Conscientiousness because they find schedules and rules boring. They will rather embrace the excitement that comes with chaos.
It is important to note that while there are “trends” in how Enneagram 7s score on Big Five traits, we all have unique personalities. To know you score on these traits as an individual, you can take a quick self-assessment.
What Is the Basic Fear for Enneagram 7?
Enneagram Type Sevens fear experiencing feelings of pain, sadness, boredom, discomfort, and negativity. They avoid all these by busying themselves with fun activities. Enthusiasts fear missing out on worthwhile experiences, otherwise known as FOMO. They are afraid of getting stuck in a rut with no options to get out, so they always keep their options open with exciting, novel experiences.
What Do Enneagram 7s Desire?
An Enneagram 7’s basic desire is to have their needs fulfilled. They want satisfaction, contentment, and happiness by getting the best out of their life. Their desire to feel stimulated and engaged propels them to seek joy and excitement from adventurous experiences.
What Motivates Type Sevens?
Enthusiasts are motivated by a need to feel positive emotions like happiness, contentment, freedom, and fulfillment and avoid negative ones like sadness, boredom, and pain. Adopt these tips to experience more positive emotions in your life.
Sevens are also motivated by exciting adventures, new positive ideas and experiences, meeting new people, and inspiring people around them.
What Stresses an Enneagram Type 7?
Enthusiasts constantly seek ways to get the most fun out of their lives, so naturally, they will be stressed when circumstances or their environment prevent them from doing what they want. Schedules, limits, and rules stress Type 7s and stifle their creative freedom. They are also stressed by boring routines, constant negativity from their colleagues, or having no one to interact with.
Are you worried you have no significant other to make memories with? Adopt these tips to thrive in singlehood.
Wings of Enneagram Type 7

Every Enneagram Personality Type shares traits with two other Enneagram Types adjacent to it on the Enneagram chart. These other Enneagrams are called Enneagram wings. For Enthusiasts, their wings are Type Six (The Skeptic) and Type Eight (The Challenger).
Enneagram Type Seven With a Six Wing (7w6)
What effect does the loyalty that is famously ascribed to Skeptics have on the unreliability of Enthusiasts? Enneagram 7w6s tend to be more loyal, responsible, and disciplined than traditional Enneagram Sevens.
They retain most of the key characteristics of the Enthusiasts but also share a few traits with the Skeptics. Although they still enjoy going on adventures, they are more disciplined in their approach.
Unlike traditional Enthusiasts whose love of novelty makes them start many new projects without finishing previous ones, 7w6s tend to honor previous commitments. They are less likely to ditch ongoing projects in favor of new, exciting ones, but they might try to take both on together.
Enneagram Type Seven With an Eight Wing (7w8)
Being tough, powerful, assertive, and protective of the ones they care about are some of the key characteristics of Challengers that 7w8s share. They are more assertive than traditional 7s, exercise greater control, are tougher, and are more career-driven.
7w8s manage to remain calm during a crisis. Although they are highly goal-oriented and self-confident, some weaknesses include being too focused on their career and not following through on some commitments.
11 Enthusiast Personality Traits: Signs Someone Is an Enneagram 7

Can you accurately detect an Enneagram type without the Enneagram assessment? If you study the person well enough and watch out for the telltale signs, you can get very close to the answer. However, taking the Enneagram test is the only way to be certain.
If you see most or all of these signs in a person, they are most likely an Enthusiast.
1. They are open to new experiences.
Enneagram Type 7s love to experience life in its full glory. They utilize the present moment to try new daring adventures, learn new skills, and explore the world. While some people find accepting change in their environment hard, Enneagram Type 7s embrace it and adapt with minimum fuss.
2. They don’t commit easily.
Type Sevens keep their options open by avoiding schedules and concrete plans to leave space for last-minute opportunities. They believe the activity that will bring them fulfillment is just around the corner, but they don’t know what it is. So, they are concerned that committing to one plan will cause them to miss better activities in the future. Unfortunately, Enneagram Sevens end up letting the good stuff slip away without realizing it.
3. They struggle to work through negative emotions.
Type 7s refuse to dwell on difficult feelings like pain, discomfort, negativity, and sadness, instead channeling their energy toward pleasurable activities to avoid dealing with their emotions.
4. They are interested in others but rarely connect deeply.
Sevens energize by going out and connecting with people. However, like many extroverts, they make a lot of acquaintances and interact with strangers but rarely connect deeply with any of them.
5. They start many projects but seldom finish any.
Enthusiasts love the thrill of starting new projects. They enjoy presenting creative ideas, brainstorming with their colleagues, and exploring new theories. However, that’s as good as it gets. Once the project leaves the exciting phase and settles into a mundane activity, they move on to a new project.
6. They always have plan B in case plan A becomes boring.
Sevens know how quickly an event can become boring, so they always have an escape route to a more pleasurable adventure. Planning comes easily to them, so they pursue several interests and switch frequently.
7. They are bored by routines.
Is there any fun in playing it safe? Enthusiasts certainly don’t think so. They abhor repetitive tasks in their relationships or work environment.
8. They fill their schedules to distract them from negative issues.
Enthusiasts go to great lengths to avoid dealing with negativity. They usually fill their schedule with time-consuming activities like games and movies to distract themselves from reality.
9. They try to be involved in everything due to fear of missing out.
For the Enneagram type 7 FOMO is real! Enthusiasts overextend themselves, engaging in as many activities as possible to avoid missing out on the good stuff. They often spread themselves too thin, trying to squeeze all the enjoyment they can out of life.
10. They learn through experience.
Some people are satisfied with hearing about an adventure; Enthusiasts want to try it out for themselves. As great storytellers, their stories are more captivating when they can relate them from personal experience.
11. They view the world through a positive lens.
Enthusiasts manage to remain upbeat and optimistic in most situations. They tend to look on the bright side when dealing with unpleasant situations. Type Sevens downplay negative feelings, convincing themselves that the sadness and pain they feel are only a misunderstanding on their part.
Enneagram 7 Strengths

Enthusiasts must know their strengths to learn how to maximize their potential to aid personal growth. The following are common strengths of the Type 7 Enneagram.
- They are enthusiastic and love having fun.
- They are creative problem solvers.
- They are imaginative and seldom run out of ideas to have fun.
- They are fast learners whose quick-mindedness helps them easily learn new things with ease.
- They are confident and sure of themselves.
- They are spontaneous and open to new experiences.
- They adapt well to changing environments or situations.
- They love change and actively seek it.
- They are optimistic with a positive approach to life.
- They get along well with people, especially those with considerable social energy.
- They inspire others with their positive energy.
- They are playful and use good humor to bring happiness to themselves and others.
Enneagram 7 Weaknesses
Every personality has bad traits that put them at a disadvantage. By understanding your weaknesses, you can limit your vulnerabilities. The following are common weaknesses of the Type 7 Enneagram.
- Their failure to commit to plans makes them unreliable.
- They grow bored easily, especially when doing routine or repetitive tasks.
- They are impulsive and may make rash decisions without proper consideration.
- They may avoid confronting a situation because they do not want to deal with pain or negative emotions.
- They are sometimes seen as vain or self-centered.
- They struggle with solitude.
- They find active listening difficult, it is not their forte.
- They lack self-discipline and seldom focus on a task for a long time.
Growth Opportunities for Enneagram Type Seven

For many people, growth starts with understanding your strengths and weaknesses. Once you’ve done that, you can figure out ways to maximize the strengths and limit the threats associated with the weaknesses. One study found Type
As an Enthusiast, the following tips can help you grow significantly — spiritually, personally, and professionally — all while taking care of your physical health.
Embrace Pain and Use It as a Catalyst for Growth
Pain and grief are hard to digest, but avoiding them limits your growth potential. When you understand and learn from negative emotions, you are more inclined to appreciate the joyous moments in your life. Embracing your pain and learning from it is a catalyst for growth and a key to a happy and successful life.
Solitude Can Improve Self-Awareness
As an Enthusiast, you may thrive in a fast-paced environment because you have great energy for the constant activity around you. However, you can become more self-aware by appreciating silence and solitude. Due to less external stimulation, you can reflect on your decisions and limit the frequency with which you chase superficial pleasures. Extroverted Type 7's can learn a lot from their introverted friends about the energizing power of time alone!
Practice Self Discipline and Stay Focused
One of your biggest weaknesses as an Enthusiast is your lack of self-discipline and focus. Staying focused and maintaining self-discipline ensures you can commit to long-term projects and achieve your goals before moving on to new ones. You can consider 90-Minute Focus Sessions or the AutoFocus Time Management Technique to help you focus better.
Listen to Understand, not Respond
Sometimes, people share their concerns just to be heard, not because they seek advice or solutions. Listen to them as they pour out their feelings, and only respond when necessary. Doing this would help improve your personal and professional relationships.
Connect With People Beyond the Surface Level
The ease with which Enthusiasts connect with everybody could fool you into thinking they build the best relationships. However, despite interacting with many people daily, they rarely connect above the surface. You must choose quality over quantity to grow your relationships as an Enthusiast. Allow yourself to have tough conversations and open up to those close to you.
Enneagram Seven Careers and Work Preferences
Despite earning a reputation as thrill seekers, Enthusiasts are often highly productive when they are in the right career. Type 7s chase excitement wherever they go, including at work. Naturally, they cannot cope in an environment where they are constantly being micromanaged, doing repetitive tasks, and dealing with strict deadlines.
The best careers for Enneagram Type Seven should offer freedom to flex their creative muscles, explore new ideas and opportunities, learn new skills, network with colleagues, and advance their professional careers. As entrepreneurs, Enthusiasts may need to work on self-discipline, but with the right structure they can succeed as well working for themselves as any of the Enneagrams.

Enneagram Seven in Relationships
Several factors influence the success of your relationships, including your love language and compatibility with your partner. As an Enthusiast, it is common to wonder if there is any correlation between your personality type and the five love languages or how compatible you are with other Enneagram Types.
Type Sevens approach relationships with optimism, bringing excitement into their partner’s life and encouraging them to try new things. However, they may struggle to commit to their partner for the long term.
Famous Enneagram Type 7s - Celebrities Who Are Enthusiasts
If you were under any illusions that an Enneagram 7 does not have the required traits for success, here are a few famous Type Sevens to debunk that theory.
Remember, this Enneagram typing is based upon public perception, not actual Enneagram test results.
- Singers like Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Lil Nas X, Axl Rose, Doja Cat, Freddie Mercury, Bette Midler.
- Actors and directors like Jim Carrey, Jennifer Lawrence, Robin Williams, Robert Downey Jr., Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ryan Reynolds, Charlie Sheen, and Steven Spielberg.
- Athletes like Usain Bolt and Gerard Pique.
- Politicians like John F. Kennedy and Bob Hawke.
- Philosophers like David Chalmers and Denis Diderot.
- TV Personalities Joan Rivers and Conan O’Brien.
- Fictional Characters like Fred and George Weasley in Harry Potter, Peter Pan, and Detective Jake Peralta in Brooklyn 99.
Levels of Development of Enneagram Type 7

There is potential for growth within all Enneagram Types. Healthy Enthusiasts address their weaknesses and maximize their strengths to aid their personal growth, while unhealthy ones give in to their weaknesses and exhibit their worst behavior. Let’s examine the different stages of development for the Enneagram Type 7.
Healthy Sevens: What Is an Enneagram 7 at Their Best?
Enneagram 7s, at their best, find a way to enjoy their adventures while caring about the needs of their colleagues. They do not allow their basic desire to derive pure pleasure from life to affect the needs of others. They enjoy the company of others better, but they are also comfortable in solitude as it gives them time to reflect internally instead of rushing on the next adventure.
After overcoming their fear of negative emotions, their enthusiasm about life is no longer a means to avoid pain and sadness but a genuine attempt to find happiness. Healthy 7s treat each experience as a learning opportunity, appreciating the good and the bad and using it to propel themselves toward personal growth. They are more grounded, present in the moment, resilient, grateful, and joyous. At least one study has found that healthy, self-aware Type 7’s are better able to handle life’s stressors.
Average Sevens
Average Sevens are spontaneous and practical people who believe that the key to their happiness is focusing on the positive side of life, so they sometimes replace their negative feelings with positive ones.
Their agile mind allows them to switch between multiple adventures to derive as much pleasure as possible. However, this constant switching between activities makes it difficult for them to stay focused and commit to one thing for a long time.
An average Enneagram Type 7 can be seen as an instant expert on many subjects due to their curiosity and quick-mindedness, but they usually lack in-depth knowledge on any of the subjects.
Unhealthy Sevens: What Is an Enneagram 7 at Their Worst?
Enneagram 7s, at their worst, go to unhealthy lengths to experience pleasure. They are critical, judgmental, and cynical. While constantly seeking the activity that they believe will bring them the greatest joy, these Sevens put themselves at high risk of stress and burnout by doing too many things simultaneously.
Unhealthy Sevens are hardly ever contented with their situation. They act out of impulse and struggle to say no to new adventures, hoping to find the next big thing. They find it difficult to stay grounded as their thoughts keep running anxiously and obsessively. Their behavior puts them at risk of anxiety and depression.
Find Value In What Is In Front of You, Not Elsewhere

A common mistake Enthusiasts make is to believe that the more activities and adventures they partake in, the better their chance of finding lasting happiness. And because they never run out of new ideas, they do not value what is right in front of them.
As an Enthusiast, you must understand that not all impulses are worth acting on. Concentrate on the plans and projects in front of you. Do not ditch them just because you encounter a little difficulty or find something that looks more interesting. Multitasking is not your friend!
Perhaps if you see your current commitment to the end, you’ll find the fulfillment you’re looking for right in front of you, not in the numerous other adventures you’ve lined up. Spiritual practices that help you stay in the present moment can help tremendously.
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