Discover what it means to be body-smart through bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Learn how improving coordination, movement, and dexterity can enhance your abilities in sports, dance, and daily life while supporting personal growth.
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A common discussion on the internet, especially among soccer fans, is to describe how they'll do against professional soccer players, even ones considered most mediocre. However, soccer matches like these have been played, and the result is always the same. Even the most skillful amateur feels powerless against the superior skill and deftness of the most mediocre professional.
Why is this?
While their superiority is largely down to intense training and years of honing their skills, another factor is bodily-kinesthetic intelligence — one of the nine multiple intelligences.
The mere path of selecting professionals ensures they have at least an above-average level of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Now, put 11 of such players against another team of amateurs, and you can see why playing against pro soccer players has that sobering effect.
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is one of the nine intelligences in the Theory of Multiple Intelligences put together by Howard Gardner. It refers to one’s ability to do physically-exerting tasks.
Simply put, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is skillfully using one's physical body. This typically involves a strong sense of body awareness and a high level of fine motor skills.
People with highly developed bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are usually great at sports, gymnastics, dance, acting, craft-making, and just about any other skill involving highly specialized body movements, just like the professional soccer players we mentioned earlier.
People with highly developed bodily-kinesthetic intelligence typically exhibit a high capacity for using and maneuvering their physical bodies. This is usually demonstrated in the following attributes:
They typically have an unusual capacity for physical movement, demonstrating a high ability for precision, balance, and agility. This is often evident in activities like dance, sports, and gymnastics.
This is the ability to handle and manipulate objects skillfully, shooting an arrow in a curve around a barrel accurately, for example. This is made possible by strong fine motor skills, which help people in this class be great at tasks that require delicate hand movements, like playing musical instruments, crafting objects, or performing surgery.
Body language and gesticulation are important parts of communication, as they help visualize what is being said, making it easier to understand. People with high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are typically very dexterous at controlling and expressing these subtle bodily movements.
The hallmark of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is athletic ability. This typically manifests as high performance in physical activities and sports. This is owing to the quick reflexes, strength, and stamina that are associated with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
Physical excellence is impossible without significant levels of physical endurance and the ability to sustain focus in often high-stress physical activity. This powers skilled athletes to push themselves further than any regular person can.
Some shared behaviors are prominent in people with high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. These behaviors are usually indicators of a high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. They include:
From football to soccer to basketball, sports are filled with next-level performers who have gained such mastery over their bodies that it's inconceivable to the regular mind. This also extends to dance, especially ballet and other styles of dance that involve highly specific choreographies. The link between these abilities and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence has been thoroughly examined in scientific research.
You’ll often find people with high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence carving and sculpting intricate designs. This is because they typically have high hand-eye coordination.
We all have different learning styles, and bodily-kinesthetic learning styles are typically adapted to hands-on activities and learning by doing. So, you will typically find that a typical kinesthetic learner tends to solve problems or understand concepts better when they can manipulate or move objects around.
Pop culture is filled with people who have set themselves apart by their athletic abilities than anyone can count on one hand. From sports to the theatrical arts, martial arts, and even skateboarding, these individuals have made their mark. They include:
The man whom the popular Nike Air Jordan sneakers are named after. The man who is unarguably one of the greatest basketball players ever. Michael Jordan, in his career, was known for his incredible athleticism, coordination, sleek body movement, and competitive drive, all attributes brought on by his bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
She needs no introduction. Remarkably diminutive, Biles has built a larger-than-life legacy for herself, having won 7 medals (4 of them gold) across 2 Olympics. Her success is due to the bodily-kinesthetic characteristics of extraordinary balance, strength, and agility.
At this point, Jackie Chan is a household name. Almost every millennial grew up watching him perform all kinds of stunts in movies. Aside from the sheer entertainment value of his stunts, he could also significantly convey emotion and comedy through his body language and movement. This is peak bodily-kinesthetic performance.
Not many people get rich and famous off skateboarding, but Tony Hawk made it happen. With his exceptional skill and talent, he showcased complex stunts that helped him to gradually capture and build a global audience. This was only possible because he has higher-than-average bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
Adam Field is another person who has achieved fame in an industry where fame is not very typical - pottery. He makes pottery using the regular, old-fashioned method of wheel-throwing. However, it is his intricate carvings that have caught the attention of the public. These meticulously drawn details understandably take a great deal of hand-eye coordination made possible by his relatively high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
If bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is not your dominant, you can continually improve your bodily-kinesthetic abilities with adequate kinesthetic learning practices. You may not be as adept as Michael Jordan, but you will be far better than you used to be. These practices would help:
This kinesthetic learning style is a no-brainer. If you want to get ahead in your ability to maneuver your body masterfully, you have to engage in physically engaging sports that require coordination, balance, and agility so that you can hone those attributes.
Take dance classes in ballet or salsa to master rhythm and coordination. This has been proven repeatedly in peer-reviewed scientific research. Mohammed Ali famously took ballet classes to help him with these attributes, and we all know how well that went for him. Herschel Walker and Hakeem Olajuwon, too.
Then, there’s also yoga, which will help you to master flexibility, strength, and control. Combined with wellness exercises, these kinesthetic learning exercises can help to supercharge your kinesthetic capacity and overall well-being.
Establishing a gym routine is more than just a fad popularized by Instagram fitness influencers. It is a time-tested way to improve overall physical fitness and coordination. Make sure to incorporate strength training, aerobic exercises, and flexibility workouts into your routine.
Mindfulness exercises are an under-appreciated pathway towards achieving as much control over your physical body as possible. All of the exercises help you to get properly centered within yourself, which then affords you the mental fortitude to improve your bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is usually demonstrated in high physical coordination and overall body awareness. This helps people with high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence to perform outstandingly in sports, dance, arts, and crafts.
If you would like to improve your bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, the pathway to follow would be to engage in hands-on physical exercises.
Ultimately, you can improve your cumulative IQ and unlock your full potential by prioritizing the cultivation of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence in conjunction with the other 8 types of intelligence.
Remember, we all have unique strengths, and by learning from each other, we can all grow and create wonderful experiences. Keep moving, stay inspired, and celebrate the diverse ways we express our intelligence!
Content Writer
Published 22 March 2025