Introversion and extraversion are two fundamental personality traits that describe where people direct their energy and how they interact with the world.
Extraversion refers to a preference for focusing on the external world — people, activities, and social situations. Extraverts are typically energized by interaction, seek out stimulation, and thrive in group settings.
In contrast, introversion is characterized by a focus on the internal world — thoughts, reflections, and solitary activities. Introverts often feel recharged by spending time alone or in quieter environments and may find prolonged social interaction draining.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a popular personality assessment tool that categorizes individuals into one of 16 different personality types. These types are based on four main dichotomies: Extraversion vs Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs Feeling, and Judging vs Perceiving.
Each of these dichotomies represents a fundamental difference in how individuals approach and interact with the world. They can provide valuable insights into an individual's preferences, behaviors, and motivations.
In this article, we will focus on the first dichotomy, Extraversion vs Introversion, which happens to be one of the most talked about preference pairs and also one of the most misunderstood aspects of the MBTI type.
Introversion vs. Extraversion: Core Factor
The cognitive functions are the building blocks of the MBTI personality types. They are eight in number and divided into four pairs, each composed of one extraverted function and one introverted function. The dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior functions assist individuals in perceiving information, making decisions, and organizing their lives.
While it can be simpler to see the MBTI personalities through the lens of four dichotomies, it's more accurate to understand and classify them through cognitive functions. For the purpose of this article, we will briefly touch on the cognitive functions that are most closely associated with extraversion and introversion.
With that being said, an individual's dominant cognitive function determines true introversion or extraversion. Cognitive introversion is not the same thing as social introversion, and cognitive extraversion is not the same thing as sociability.
The latter focuses on how much energy an individual has for social interaction, while the former focuses on which cognitive function is the driving force of an individual's personality. In other words, an introvert is someone whose dominant function is introverted, and an extrovert is someone whose primary function is extroverted.
What Does It Then Mean to Be Introverted or Extraverted?
Technically speaking, every extraverted Myers-Briggs personality type (ENFP, ESFP, ENTP, ESTP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ) also possesses an extroverted dominant function. Similarly, every introverted Myers-Briggs personality type (INFP, ISFP, INTP, ISTP, INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, ISFJ) also has an introverted dominant function. So, thus far, you've noticed that we haven't actually defined anything.
To define extraversion and introversion, we must go back to the source: Carl Jung and his theory of psychological types. However, note that each extraverted type’s extraversion (and introverted type's introversion) appears slightly different since each cognitive function operates differently depending on its position in an individual's function stack.
There are also some commonalities between all extroverted and introverted types, which ultimately define them as such. Let's take a closer look.
Cognitive Extraversion
Jung defines extraversion by focusing on the concept of "objectivity." According to his theory, extroverts are object-oriented and tend to focus on things that are external to the mind. That is, they are primarily concerned with aligning themselves with the outer world in whatever way comes naturally to their dominant function.
For example, the Fe-dominant extroverts (ENFJs and ESFJs) strive to have their values and feelings aligned with those of the external environment. They can achieve this by either changing the environment or themselves to become more in line with their values, but either way, when making a decision, the external factor will hold weight. If you're paying attention, this may be the reason why EXFJs come in different variants.
One will almost adjust to the external world before them, even if it conflicts with their values, in an effort to adapt. The other leans more assertive and overbearing in their attempt to change others and the environment. Either way, both these types are focused on how they relate to the outer world.
Cognitive Introversion
Obviously, if extroverts are oriented to the outer world, then introverts must be the exact opposite, focused inward or on their internal world. Jung defines introversion as an orientation toward the "subjective," seeking fulfillment through inner experiences and subjective impressions that originate within the mind. This doesn't necessarily mean a lack of social interaction or having a small social circle; rather, it means that their primary function is one of the four introverted cognitive functions, which influences their way of thinking and perceiving information.
Put simply, while extroverts respond to external stimuli immediately, introverts filter the stimuli first through their dominant function.
For example, while ESTPs might instinctively align their internal framework of thoughts and judgments with concrete or observable data, ISTPs may reject a fact or information that doesn't align with their dominant introverted thinking function and internal framework. As a result, the ISTP may appear to reject reality because they are unwilling to adjust themselves or their person to fit that new environment.
Extraversion vs. Introversion: Core Differences
Extraversion vs. Introversion in Myers-Briggs
In Myers-Briggs typology, introversion and extroversion define how individuals direct their energy and where they get it from. People who prefer extraversion direct (and receive) their energy from the outside world of people and things, while introverted people direct (and receive) their energy from the inner world of thoughts and ideas.
That is technically correct and in sync with Carl Jung's original views of introversion and extraversion.
Unfortunately, that premise somehow leads to the widely believed misconception that an outgoing and sociable person is automatically an extrovert, while a quiet and reserved person must be an introvert. Granted, if your primary function is introverted, your less-dominant function, extraverted, would require more effort to use, and this could be draining. (If the auxiliary function is well-developed, then the difference is reduced.)
However, social interaction is not the only outlet for determining the functions of extraversion and introversion. Even if it were, even if you successfully balance both introversion and extraversion, you still have an overall preference for one or the other.

The Four Types of Introverts in MBTI
4 Types of MBTI Introverts
Introversion is complex; it is not as simple as being shy or socially inept. Most people who prefer introversion are a unique mixture of four types: social, thinking, anxious, and restrained. While the four types are not mutually exclusive, they represent different aspects of introversion as well.
Social Introversion
Social introversion entails the more traditional or stereotypical introverts. They enjoy quiet and solitary activities, find large gatherings tiring or overwhelming, and prefer small group or one-on-one interactions.
Social introverts may be misperceived as being shy when, in reality, they just prefer a slower-paced and more thoughtful approach to socializing. Constantly interacting with others or attending social events can be very draining for them because they draw their energy from solitude. However, this does not mean that they can’t build strong friendships.
Thinking Introversion
Unlike social introverts, thinking introverts do not necessarily avoid social interactions. However, they are naturally drawn to their internal thoughts when processing information and making decisions. They may be a bit sociable and comfortable in social situations but are more prone to get lost in their thoughts, as they are very introspective and reflective by nature.
When processing information, introverted thinkers may also seem to momentarily leave the conversation as they organize their thoughts internally and think through their words before speaking. These introverts find solace in activities like reading or researching, where they can immerse themselves in a cognitive, thoughtful state.
Anxious introverts have a heightened sensitivity to stimuli and may experience social anxiety in new or unfamiliar situations that push them out of their comfort zone. This avoidance may stem from being introspective and self-aware.
They tend to be more reserved or withdrawn in social settings at all costs, often coming off as rude or dismissive. Even when alone, anxious introverts often find themselves overanalyzing past events or worrying about what could go wrong in the future.
Restrained introverts or inhibited are a more balanced mixture of the three previous types. They are usually calm and collected and think thoroughly about each of their thoughts and opinions before expressing them.
Restrained introverts also tend to be very reserved in social situations, often appearing stoic or difficult to read. They carefully consider their words and actions and may take longer to perform tasks or make decisions, but they are also very thoughtful and detail-oriented.
The Four Types of Extroverts In MBTI
4 Types of MBTI Extroverts
Just as introversion is not one-dimensional, neither is extraversion. The thought of being the outgoing social butterfly and extrovert doesn't necessarily match the stereotype of the party animal.
Extraversion is complex and similar to introversion. There are four overarching types of extroverts discovered through Jungian psychology — sensing, intuitive, feeling, and thinking. These are also the primary lens through which Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs measured extraversion in their MBTI assessment.
Extraverted or Experiential Sensors rely on external stimuli and their environment for enjoyment and as a source of energy. They use their five senses to gather and interpret information about the world around them, making them highly observant and aware of their surroundings.
Because of their need for external stimulation, they enjoy the present moment and thrive in hands-on experiences — anything that will put them in exciting environments. These people prefer bonding over fun activities or adventures that provide physical stimulation instead of deep conversations.
In the MBTI framework, these are the ESTPs and ESFPs, and their dominant function is Extraverted Sensing (Se).
Extraverted or Intellectual Intuitivies do not rely on external stimulation for most of their energy but rather on their inner thought process, ideas, and imagination. While sensors may be more practical and realistic in their approach to life, intuitors are drawn to the abstract or theoretical realm of thoughts and ideas. They tend to look at the bigger picture instead of small details and conceptualize things that have yet to exist (future thinking).
Although they may struggle at times to be present in the moment, intuitive extroverts are open-minded and enjoy understanding different perspectives. They enjoy creative activities such as art, music, writing, and philosophizing, which come naturally to them.
In the MBTI framework, these are the ENTPs and ENFPs with Extraverted Intuition (Ne) as their dominant function.
Pragmatic Extraverts — Extraverted Thinkers
Pragmatic extraverts, or those with dominant Extraverted Thinking (Te) in their MBTI type, possess a distinct blend of outward energy and a results-driven mindset. They are the doers, the organizers, and the efficient problem solvers of the extroverted world. They value competence and logic, often using their outward energy to initiate and lead projects, achieve goals, or influence others.
They are also action-oriented. When a problem arises, they can quickly spring into action and act rationally instead of getting emotionally involved. Pragmatic extroverts also tend to do very well in competitive environments that allow them to express their analytical thinking.
In the MBTI personality assessment, these are the ESTJs and ENTJs personalities.
Social Extraverts — Extraverted Feelers
Feeling Extraverts are the heart-centered connectors of the MBTI world. Their energy radiates outwards, fueled by a deep desire to foster harmony, making connections, and understanding within their social circles. They possess a remarkable ability to tune into the emotional atmosphere of a room, often putting the needs of others before their own.
Subsequently, these types excel at building bridges between people, navigating social dynamics with grace, and creating a sense of belonging. They are often warm, expressive, and charismatic, using their natural empathy to uplift and support those around them. Whether they're organizing a community event, mediating a conflict, or simply lending a listening ear, extroverted feelers are driven by a genuine desire to make the world a more harmonious and compassionate place.
The dominant cognitive of these extraverted types is Extraverted Feeling (Fe) in the MBTI system. The extroverted feelers in MBTI are the ESFJs and ENFJs.
MBTI Extraversion vs. Introversion Characteristics
Another easy way to differentiate the Myers-Briggs E/I preferences is by comparing their traits in different areas of life. Here are some examples based on common characteristics:
- How do they spend their time?: Differences between introverts and extroverts are partly their preference in how they spend their time. Extraverts prefer to be around people and may feel energized by social interaction. They tend to seek out new experiences and enjoy being the center of attention. Introverts, on the other hand, generally prefer solitary activities or spending time with a small group of close friends. They may find large gatherings draining and need alone time to recharge.
- Social Interaction: Social anxiety can occur in both extroverts and introverts, and feeling anxious is not always a characteristic of an introvert. That being said, extroverts tend to be outgoing, sociable, and energized by being around other people. They enjoy group activities and are often the life of the party. While introverts may often feel uneasy or anxious about social situations, that isn't automatically the case. It could just be the idea of interaction with strangers that makes them uncomfortable or anxious.
- Communication: When communicating with others, extroverts tend to be more expressive and prefer to communicate verbally and face-to-face. They may also speak quickly and think out loud, processing their thoughts while they talk. Introverts typically take more time to process their thoughts before speaking and prefer to communicate through writing or one-on-one, deep, and meaningful conversations.
- Working Style: Extraverts thrive in collaborative and fast-paced environments where they can bounce ideas off of others. They may also enjoy multitasking and taking on multiple projects at once. Introverts, on the other hand, prefer a more focused and independent work style with less external stimulation and distractions. They may find being productive a challenge in a loud, busy, and dynamic workplace.
- Energy Management: Extraverts tend to have high energy levels throughout the day but may struggle to recharge if they are not around people or stimulated. Introverts may exert a lot of energy in social situations and prefer to recharge in solitude or quiet activities.
- Information Processing: Another key difference between introverts and extroverts is how they process information.
- Introverted Thinking (Ti): involves the ability to think deeply and critically about complex ideas and concepts. Introverted thinkers tend to be introspective, analytical, and logical in their approach to problem-solving. They need time to process the information on their own before voicing their concerns or opinions. They also tend to focus on their inner expressions, feelings, and thoughts first.
- Extraverted Thinking (Te): is the ability to organize, plan, and implement solutions quickly. Extraverted thinkers process information verbally, often thinking through problems and ideas out loud and seeking external input and feedback. They are fast-paced and may jump from one idea to the next while processing.
Introversion vs. Extroversion: Misconceptions and Clarifications
People say a lot of things about how extroverts and introverts act. An average person who is not hooked on personality theory defines those two types in relation to whether they are outgoing or more oriented to their own thoughts and feelings.
Within the typology community, people often mistakenly talk about extraversion and introversion as if they were similar terms. While the Myers-Briggs theory does not explicitly focus on the social aspects of these two personality types, people still overly associate them with social introversion or extraversion. However, this is not the primary core factor in distinguishing the I vs. E preference pair.
Contrary to Popular Belief, We Are Not Simply Extroverts or Introverts
Before we move on to the MBTI Extraversion vs. Introversion preference pair, let's clarify another common point of confusion.
In the MBTI personality typology, people aren't typically described as being purely extroverted or introverted; rather, they are placed as "preferring" Extraversion or Introversion.
These descriptions are not meant to stereotype or describe an individual but rather to describe their natural preference. While an individual may have a dominant preference for Extraversion or Introversion, it is also possible for them to exhibit traits of both preferences in different situations.
For example, someone who prefers introversion may still enjoy socializing with friends and attending events, but they may feel drained after prolonged periods of social interaction and need time alone to recharge. On the other hand, someone who prefers extraversion may thrive in social settings and gain energy from being around others, but they may also value occasional moments of solitude.
Introversion-Extroversion Spectrum
Extroversion vs. Introversion: Which Is Better?
While the MBTI framework has its flaws and limitations, it is important to remember that extraversion and introversion are simply two different ways of experiencing the world. There is no right or wrong personality type, and each one brings unique strengths and challenges.
In fact, most people fall somewhere on the spectrum between being complete extroverts and introverts. Rather than trying to determine which is better, it's important to embrace and appreciate the diversity of personalities and learn how to work with different types effectively.