Given all the daily stresses of life, it can be baffling to see some people put a smile on their faces and keep a positive outlook toward life. Do you often wonder how they live their best lives despite the stress and chaos around them?
This article will review some rules that positive people follow to elevate their lives and experience more positive emotions.
It's important to note that being positive doesn't always mean being happy. We are humans, and feeling sadness, anger, frustration, or having other negative thoughts is normal and healthy.
A positive mindset doesn't involve ignoring reality. It's about approaching life's challenges with a more positive outlook and expecting good results. It's also about actively appreciating yourself and those around you.
Positive People Embrace the Benefits of Positive Thinking
Research suggests that developing a positive attitude improves physical and mental health.
Positive thinking allows your brain to operate in a state of free-flowing feel-good hormones. This will make you feel lighter and happier. It also boosts mood, self-esteem, confidence, and productivity, thus allowing you to excel in different areas of your life.
Other physical and mental health benefits of positive thinking include:
If you want to explore more about how positive thinking can impact your life, we have a dedicated article on the power of positive thinking. You can read it here.
We don't claim that positive thinking will make all your problems disappear. An optimistic outlook isn't warranted every minute of the day in every situation. Positive people are not constantly happy and cheerful, ignoring anything unpleasant or negative emotion.
Positive thinking is generally having a more optimistic perspective, even in difficult situations. This, in turn, makes problems seem more manageable.
In contrast, when you give into negative self-talk, you're submitting to loss of control, wallowing in unhappiness, and potentially missing out on opportunities for growth and development.
How to Be Positive: 8 Habits of Positive People
The good news is that you can develop positive thinking skills and cash in on all the physical and mental health benefits listed above. Below are the basic rules to live by if you want to be a more positive person and experience more joy and happiness.
1. Self-acceptance is a Must
The first rule positive people live by is that they accept and love themselves for who they are, regardless of their skin, background, shape, and size. Nobody is born perfect, and the sooner you accept your imperfections, the faster you can start being happy.
If you're uncomfortable in your skin, you'll be vulnerable to discrimination and judgment from others. And personal insecurity is one of the biggest things that can destroy one's self-esteem, confidence, and happiness.
While you're at it, accept when you have negative self-talk, negative thinking, and negative emotions. You can't change your thoughts if you don't acknowledge the problem in the first place! We said earlier that positive thinking isn't about ignoring problems in your life. Instead, it's facing them with a positive mindset.
2. Practice Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations
We are our worst critics, and over time, this self-criticism can cause one to form negative opinions that can be hard to shake. Positive people have positive thoughts about themselves and use kind and positive self-talk. They live in the present moment and are in the habit of using words like 'I can," "I'm capable," "I'll manage," 'It's possible," and the like.
They also add positive affirmations into their life like "I am enough," 'I am strong," 'I am confident," "I am happy right now," etc.
Practicing positive self-talk and self-affirmations teaches you to stop negative self-talk and encourage a positive outlook on life. It can also help you stop negative thinking and prevent you from spiraling into a negative thought loop.
3. Practice Gratitude for the Little and Big Stuff, Alike
Practicing gratitude can help you feel positive about your life and be more optimistic about the future. Grateful people view the world more positively. As such, they can notice things that are going well in their life, things that bring them joy, and even nice things others do for them.
Every day, have a gratitude journal where you write down things you're grateful for. They don't have to be big things; think of what, who, and moments that bring you joy and happiness, and try to express your gratitude daily.
The more you practice gratitude and update your gratitude journal, the more you'll stay positive in every situation. So, think of gratitude as a tool to help you develop a positive mindset and vice versa.
4. Have a Positive Outlook and Focus on the Good Things
Bad things and challenging situations happen to all. It's easy to always see the glass half empty instead of half full and become preoccupied with our problems and wallow in pity, anger, sadness, rage, or hate. But rather than being stuck in a bad situation, optimistic people tend to focus on the bright side of life, even if it’s just a few minutes of staying positive.
Let's say your long-term relationship recently ended. Instead of feeling sad and blaming yourself, you can view it as a chance for self-care, having more time for your hobbies, taking care of your mental well-being, and even meeting someone more compatible.
And if you can't find a good thing in your bad situation, think of the lessons you can take from it. And remember to pat yourself on the back for being able to cope with the difficult situation.
5. Don't Compare Yourself to Others
Positive people living their best lives are grateful and content with what they have. Comparison will only kill your joy and make you jealous and hateful. The grass is not always greener on the other side. So, instead of comparing yourself to your sibling, co-worker, and others, a better approach would be to be the best version of yourself.
6. Remember to Forgive
When you hold grudges, the pain is inside you and not on the other person. Holding onto the negativity of others only leads to resentment. This has been associated with psychological and health-related problems.
For overall well-being, positive people learn to let go through forgiveness. And don’t forget, this includes forgiving yourself!
7. Identify Areas of Improvement
As you practice mindfulness and positive self-talk, you’ll realize when some negative thoughts are creeping in. While this is normal, be careful not to dwell on negative thinking for too long. Instead, brainstorm ways by which you can improve yourself by focusing on your positive attributes and having a positive attitude.
Take your time to think about the areas of your life where you tend to have more negative thoughts and tackle them one by one. You can have a close friend or family member help you identify these areas if you’re unsure about them.
8. Don't Forget Self Care
Having a more positive frame means caring for your physical and mental health. This includes things as simple as making sure you are eating right and getting enough sleep.
Self-care may appear a luxury, but it significantly contributes to your overall health. Also, taking care of yourself signals to you that you are important, and this helps boost your confidence and self-esteem. Not only that, but self-care also helps reduce stress and anxiety.
So go ahead and treat yourself to a relaxing bath, go for a massage, or join a yoga class. Your mental well-being and physical health depend on it.
To Stay Positive, Surround Yourself with Positivity
Have you noticed how someone in a bad mood can change the energy in the room? Or how a dull party can brighten up when someone with an optimistic personality walks in the door? That's because both negativity and thinking positively are contagious.
As you actively practice positivity, it's important to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who know there is always a silver lining.
Spending time with positive people will lift you and encourage you to see the bright side of life. On the other hand, if you're always hanging with negative people, their negativity will likely rub off on you.
You won't be able to overcome years of negativity and pessimism overnight. But with time and practicing the above rules, you can learn to have positive feelings and a more positive mindset, bringing more joy and happiness into your life!
Want to learn more habits of positive people?
We recommend these free member’s self-improvement series: