Some individuals are just natural persuaders. They seem to come in and mesmerize and entire group of people to follow them into great achievements. One usually sees them excel as politicians, business leaders, or salespeople. They have something we would label an enterprising personality.
Would you describe yourself as energetic, confident, and a people person? Are you a natural leader? If so, you are probably an Enterprising personality type in John Lewis Holland’s model.
This article looks into the Enterprising Holland code to help you understand if this is you. We will discuss the ideal careers for enterprising personality types and explain why specific work environments might work best for you. Additionally, because it seldomly happens that a pure Holland Enterprising personality occurs, we will also decipher the RIASEC code combinations that can occur for you.

What Is the Enterprising Personality Type?
The Enterprising personality type, also known as the Persuader personality type, is one of the six personalities in the RIASEC model developed by psychologist J. L. Holland. You can read about this theoretical model and the test in our detailed article on the Holland Codes Career Test.
This particular Holland code is characterized by a strong desire to lead, persuade, and motivate others. They are self-assured and sociable. As such, you won’t find them as lone players working with things or pondering over theoretical problems. Individuals with the Enterprising Holland code tend to flourish working among people, where they can organize and direct a group towards financial success and accomplishment.
So, how can you be sure if you have an Enterprising personality type?
How Do I Know If I Have an Enterprising Personality?
The only sure way to find out if your personality matches the Enterprising Holland code and if you should look into jobs for the enterprising personality type is to take an “Enterprising Personality Test”.
However, here are some clues that could indicate if you are the Persuader.
- You have an interest in leadership and financial success. You place a high value on wealth, prestige, and power.
- You are not afraid to take chances and trust your instincts. As such, you act spontaneously and can be adventurous.
- You tend to be eager and daring. Some level of danger and risk in your employment feels good to you.
- People describe you as powerful, forceful, and influential. You enjoy having influence and power over others.
- You thrive when you need to make choices and take charge of people. You are results-oriented, and your dominance takes your team to successful project realization.
Enterprising Holland Code: What Jobs Match My Personality?
Among the six Holland codes, according to research, the Enterprising personality type is one of those that are strongly led towards specific careers based precisely on the specific traits associated with their personality. In other words, different non-personality factors might strongly influence some other personality types (for example, realistic and conventional personality) in terms of job satisfaction. However, for most people with the Enterprising Holland code, the deciding factor for choosing the perfect career will be how well it fits their personality traits. Enterprising personality types will seldom be happy if they “settle” for something that does not match their interests.
Once you complete a Career Personality Test, you may realize that your entire personality has always been steering you towards enterprising personality careers. Here is what a work environment ought to look like to meet your enterprising personality interests.
- The number one trait of the Enterprising personality type is their drive to advance. Regardless of the field you choose (and this is likely to be determined by your specific RIASEC code combination), you are bound to move ahead. Therefore, you will choose jobs that challenge you and allow you to work your way up.
- Enterprising work commonly entails the promotion of products, ideas, or services. Typical careers include sales and marketing, business and management, entrepreneurship, and politics.
- Journalism also has strong enterprising elements such as interviewing, on-site reporting, soliciting information, etc.
- Ideal enterprising personality type jobs will require strong communication skills and negotiation talent.
- Last but not least, any managerial position, regardless of the industry, as confirmed by research, is ideal for an enterprising personality.
RIASEC Code Combinations for Enterprising Personality Type
As we said before, it is a rarity that someone has a pure Enterprising Holland code. We’re usually a blend of traits, with one being the most dominant one. In your case, you could be a naturally charismatic leader with an interest in arts or helping others, for example.
Let’s examine careers for enterprising personality types within the basic RIASEC code combinations.
Enterprising - Realistic Careers: RIASEC CODE ER Jobs
The realistic personality type is characterized by a focus on the practical aspects of a problem. Therefore, the ER RIASEC code combination emphasizes the go-getter and getting-it-done side of an enterprising personality. These are the jobs for enterprising personality types with a Builder in the mix:
- A supervisor on a construction site
- Factory manager overseeing assembly workers
- Manager in building companies
Enterprising - Investigative Careers: RIASEC CODE EI Jobs
The Investigative Holland code stands opposing the Enterprising personality type in Holland’s model and is what is referred to as an inconsistent personality profile. Still, it is not impossible to have both. The investigative side of you means that you are more analytical and observant than most other people in the Enterprising Holland code. This combination could be making you lean towards careers such as these:
- Lawyer
- Manager in the field of natural sciences
Enterprising - Artistic Careers: RIASEC CODE EA Jobs
An Enterprising personality type who is also artistic will employ their resourcefulness and boldness to transform art into a substantive livelihood. Some of the typical careers for the combination are:
- Team leader in a multimedia production company
- Theater PR leader
- Owner of an art studio
- Marketing manager
Enterprising - Social Careers: RIASEC CODE ES Jobs
Ideal jobs for the enterprising personality type who also possesses an interest in interacting with people, doing good, and helping others could be:
- Host/hostess in an established restaurant
- An artist’s manager
- Community service manager
- Judge
Enterprising - Conventional Careers: RIASEC CODE EC Jobs
The systematic and organized side of you brought about by the secondary Conventional Holland code could help you direct your spontaneity and adventurousness. Some of the perfect careers for the EC combination are:
- Door-to-door or retail salesperson
- Manager in a casino
- Accountant or auditor
- Private investigator
- Travel guide
- Project manager
- Chief executive
What Career Should I Go into If I Have Enterprising Personality?
Did your friends and family members ever tell you that you were born to lead others and achieve great success? They know you well. The Persuader personality type is one that will thrive when they can go out and work on their goals from the position of a trailblazer. You dominate your surroundings.
You can transform any work environment into an entrepreneurial haven. For this reason, it is vital that you take the Enterprising Personality Test and understand your unique RIASEC code combination. In that way, you can make the right call on which business field to conquer.

Learn more about the other Holland RIASEC personality types: